Martial arts integrity refers to upholding the values, principles, and ethics that are inherent in the practice of martial arts. Integrity is a fundamental aspect of martial arts philosophy and encompasses various aspects, including honesty, respect, discipline, humility, and adherence to moral principles. Here's a closer look at what martial arts integrity entails here at Strickland’s Martial Arts:

  1. Honesty: Our students are expected to be honest in their interactions with instructors, training partners, and opponents. This includes being truthful about one's abilities, efforts, and achievements, as well as acknowledging mistakes and areas for improvement.

  2. Respect: Respect is a cornerstone of martial arts training, encompassing respect for oneself, instructors, training partners, opponents, and the art itself. Our students are expected to demonstrate respect through words, actions, and attitude, both inside and outside the dojo.

  3. Discipline: Martial arts require discipline and self-control to adhere to training regimens, follow instructions, and maintain focus during practice and competition. Our students cultivate discipline through training, adherence to rules and protocols, and commitment to personal and martial arts development.

  4. Humility: Humility is an essential virtue in martial arts, as it fosters an open mind, willingness to learn, and respect for others. Our students strive to remain humble despite their accomplishments, recognizing that there is always more to learn and improve upon.

  5. Fair Play: Martial arts competitions emphasize fair play, integrity, and sportsmanship. Our students are expected to compete with honor, respect their opponents, and adhere to the rules and regulations of the competition. Cheating, dishonesty, or unsportsmanlike behavior undermines the integrity of the sport.

  6. Ethical Conduct: Our students are expected to uphold ethical standards both on and off the mat. This includes treating others with kindness and compassion, avoiding conflicts or violence outside of controlled training environments, and using martial arts skills responsibly and for self-defense purposes only.

  7. Role Modeling: Our instructors play a crucial role in shaping the integrity of our students by serving as role models and exemplifying the values and principles of martial arts through their words and actions. They instill a culture of integrity, respect, and ethical conduct within our martial arts community.

  8. Continuous Improvement: Martial arts integrity involves a commitment to continuous self-improvement and personal growth, both as martial artists and as individuals. Our students strive to embody the values of integrity, honesty, respect, and discipline in all aspects of their lives.

Overall, martial arts integrity is essential for preserving the traditions, values, and ethical principles of martial arts and fostering a culture of respect, honor, and excellence within tour martial arts community. It serves as a guiding principle for students to uphold as they pursue their martial arts journey with integrity and dignity.

Being a student is tough work.

Cross training Martial Arts styles


Martial Arts Philosophy